Former Corporator of Padra allegedly raped the girl in his car under the pretext of dropping her home. Based on the girl's complaint, the police have registered a case against the accused under sections including rape and assault. The complainant is from Padra village near Vadodara, who earns her living by working in a private mall in Vadodara. On April 26, her friend Shivam Gandhi called and informed her about a party at a farm house at Sokhadakhud in Padra with all their friends. She joined them after returning from her job. The party was attended by Shivam Harishbhai Gandhi, Bhumit Amitbhai Patel, Bhumit's father-Amitbhai Ambalal Patel, Bhumit's mother Nimaben Amitbhai Patel, Bhumit's wife Dinki Patel and their friend Neel Vasantbhai Patel. They all had dinner together. At around 11 pm, a police vehicle was patrolling and stopped at some distance from the farmhouse. Frightened, Shivam, Bhumit and Neel rushed to another farm to escape. The alleged victim was left behind and she ca