While confronting MP Ranjanben Bhatt, a seemingly hapless woman cried out her woes at the SSG Hospital seven days ago. As Ranjanben Bhatt repeatedly kept reminding the inconsolable woman to pull up her mask, she said, "I am not afraid of Corona but of the treatment that my father is getting here at the hospital." Pleading for Ranjanben Bhatt to discharge him from the hospital, she added that she would be willing to take the entire responsibility of treating him by herself. Such instances have found a frequent footing in Vadodara wherein the citizens have shown disbelief in the working of government hospitals. Visuals of OSD Vinod Rao plying from hospital to hospital in his white Innova have been a constant on the internet. However, the cries for help have only amplified in the last couple of weeks. The woman in the video alleged that a dead body had been lying next to her father. In quick succession, after she left, another woman came up to Ranjanben at the same spot and said, "They