Cyclone Tauktae made its landfall in Gujarat on Tuesday, causing an upheaval of roads, uprooting of trees, and destruction of houses in the state. While the state officials had listed safety guidelines for citizens to follow, farmers and farm owners were left stranded amidst the cyclone. According to a farmer at Talali Jheel, the summer season had brought a much-needed financial respite to the farmers. However, the relief was short-lived as the cyclone hit the coast of Gujarat and caused heavy destruction to these mango farms. Farmers in Gir Somnath claimed that not only did the cyclone ravage close to 90% of their impending harvest, but it also uprooted 3-4% of the trees aged 25 years and more. A significant cause of worry is that most mango farms follow monoculture. Nilesh Radadia, a farm owner in Gir Somnath, said, "It takes a year to cultivate mango farms, and n