As news channels broadcasted the Prime Minister's lockdown speech, industry after industry gradually started succumbing to the stagnant economy in the year that followed. One such sector, the event management industry, valued at USD 1 billion in India, came to an abrupt halt in March 2020. Setting up stalls and tents for weddings, functions, and other programs made up for most of Shyam Faraskhana's work in Vadodara. With a cap on the number of attendees, people had preferred to postpone dates and wait for a suitable time to tie the knot. Shyam Faraskhana has even started to reject the scanty number of weddings that come their way due to rising costs. Chirag Sheikh, the owner, said, "Due to a smaller size of these events, the labor, capital, and transport costs surpass our asking price. At this scale, we do not break even." To stay afloat, Shyam Faraskhana had to eventually rely on one of the very few events where the number of gathered people went unchecked - the corporation elections