Notorious bootlegger undergoing treatment at Padra covid care center escaped. As per available details, the District Local Crime Branch arrested Ashok Krishnaram Bishnoi, a notorious bootlegger, from Central Jail on a transfer warrant and he was kept in the custody of Vadu Police. He tested positive for COVID19 and was under treatment in Padra Primary Center from 17th May. Meanwhile, on getting a chance he escaped from the window of the covid center by making a rope from the sheet. The Padra Police rushed to the spot and began an intensive search operation for the escaped accused but he has not been found Meanwhile, the district police formed separate teams to caught the notorious bootlegger and launched an investigation. According to the information received from the Vadu police station about the absconding bootlegger, the District Local Crime Branch had booked him as an accused in a liquor case. Omprakash Bishnoi and his associate were arrested from Central Jail on 12th May on a t