Gujarat Chief Minister Vijay Rupani virtually inaugurated a newly-constructed bus station by Gujarat State Road Transport Corporation at a cost of Rs. 2.26 crores at Waghodia in Vadodara.
The bus station was constructed in 13,365 square meters. The bus station has a waiting hall with seating arrangements for passengers along with a platform, administrative office, control room, canteen room, parcel room, pass office, cash booking office, stalls, driver conductor restroom, female conductor restroom, and toilet facilities for passengers. In addition, special types of toilets and sloping ramps have been set up for the differently-abled.
It is estimated that approximately 1000 passengers would benefit from this bus station every day. S.T. Divisional Director of Vadodara S.P. Matroja said, "Waghodia Depot handles 295 trips on 33 schedules including local and express. About a thousand passengers travel from here."