Triage is the process of determining the priority of patients' treatments by the severity of their condition or likelihood of recovery with and without treatment. Under the guidance of Special Duty Officer and Education Secretary Dr. Vinod Rao, The COVID Triage facility was initiated at Sayaji Hospital in October. According to officials, an estimated 1,650-1,750 patient lives were saved as a result of the facility's immediate treatment. The administrative nodal officer of COVID treatment at SSG, Dr. O.B. Belim, said, "With this system, patients with suspected symptoms of COVID can be given immediate treatment first. If the patient tests positive, they can be referred to the COVID department and, if negative, to another relevant department for treatment. This arrangement prevents the COVID-negative patient from unnecessarily entering the contagious environment of the COVID ward." When the first wave neared its end on October 20, Dr. Vinod Rao set up this facility at SSG. Dr. Belim sai