CM Vijay Rupani announced a one-crore rupee grant to five district libraries on Saturday. One name, out of the five, was that of Vadodara's District Library in Gotri. While there have not been meetings or discussions about fund allocations with the people who oversee the place, the librarian was optimistic about the grant's on-ground utilization. With a collection of 30,600 books, 19,589 total members, and 6,633 books in circulation, the District library was initially erected in 2005 at Alkapuri and later shifted to Gotri. According to the government's notification, the grant was meant to refurbish libraries by making them "up-to-date" and "smart". According to librarian Rucha Ahmed Kothari, the government conducts yearly meets to review the needs and the on-ground situation of the libraries. She believes that one such review made them eligible for the grant. Mostly speculative about the government's grant, she said, "There has not been a meeting about the grant. Yet, we feel that it