Vadodara Warasia police arrested 18 persons for violating the COVID19 guidelines for gathering at a religious ceremony at the Jogani Mata temple in Bharwad Vaas in Sanjay Nagar, Vadodara. According to officials from the Warasia Police Station, Bababhai Manilal Devipujak, along with his society, conducts a special puja in the month of Chaitri every year, worshiping the Jogani Mata temple situated in Sanjaynagar Bharwad Vaas. With two days left in the month of Chaitri, the people of the society had gathered to discuss the proceedings. As per reports, Jesingbhai Bharwad and his brother Dayabhai Bharwad, citing problems at home, organized a ritual on the eighth day of Chaitri. According to the Bharwad brothers, Bababhai Devipujak had planned for Mataji's ritual early in the morning and had also invited people from the society. Meanwhile, the Warasia police team reached the spot after a tip and arrested 18 people who were present at the ceremony without allegedly wearing a mask and viola