City-based Parul University was selected amongst the few nodal centers across the nation to host the prestigious toy innovation platform, “Toycathon 2021”. This hackathon was organized by the Ministry of Education in association with the Ministry of Women and Child Development, Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, Ministry of Commerce & Industry, Ministry of Small and Medium Enterprises, and the Ministry of Textiles. This innovation-centered platform was hosted by the University’s Entrepreneurship Development Centre, to act as an ideal launchpad for India’s toy production Industry. This multi-ministerial initiative was organized to enhance the scope of India's toy industry which currently stands at 1.5 billion, by arming the nation’s budding innovators with the resources and the platform to bring into reality their imaginative toy concepts. From about 1.7 lakh participants from across Gujarat who registered for participating in this event with 17 000 ideas submitted, only 1,5