A resident of Kherwadi from Uttar Pradesh had opened an account on social media under the name of different girls. He called up a female, residing in Delhi under the pretext of acting and modeling in the film, clicked her nude photos, taped a video and later on threated to make her videos viral and demanded a ransom of Rs. 50,000. The female lodged a complaint at Raopura Police Station in Vadodara. As per details, the female mentioned in her complaint that on January 2020, she received a friend request from Ashika Tripathi asking the complainant about her interest in modeling. The complainant showed interest and then was introduced to the Casting Director of Karma Film Production. Later on, her number was shared with the Casting Director. The Casting Director called and said that if she is interested in acting and modeling, then she will have to reach Vadodara and pay Rs. 15,000 to prepare her portfolio. He shared his bank account number in which Rs. 13,000 was deposited by her. He a