The accused in Manjalpur's hit and run case, Dewool Fulbaje appeared in the Manjalpur Police Station today. He is currently detained by the Manjalpur police and will be arrested after the Covid test. The father of the deceased child has demanded strict actions against the accused. The incident took place on Saturday Night on the Manjalpur Cemetry Road where Dharvi Pareshbhai Patel was on a two-wheeler with brothers Kavish and Kiyan when the black jeep came and knocked them and fled. All 3 of them fell and suffered multiple injuries. But unfortunately, Kiyan succumbed to his injuries during the treatment. The driver was identified as Dewool Phulbaje by an onlooker. Meanwhile, the police were informed that the accused was seen near Saraswati Chowkdi, and hence, the police reached there but he had already left. Today, the accused surrendered at the Manjalpur Police Station.