VMSS has starting cleaning of Vishwamitri river from Bhimnath bridge on Saturday. Mayor, Municipal Commissioner, and other officials reviewed the work and gave necessary instructions. However, Raj Bhavsar from GSPCA raised objections over the cleaning work during this time. He said that the time chosen is wrong as it is the breeding season of crocodiles and other reptiles. By disturbing this will not only cause damage to the offspring and eggs laid, which is a legal offense. But disturbing the reptiles at this time will force them to move and venture into populated areas will increase the likelihood of human-animal conflict. Keeping the above in mind and the safety and well-being of humans and animals, they request the work to be immediately stopped. They also threatened to proceed legally against the officers involved, if the cleaning isn’t postponed till after the breeding season of these reptiles. "We support the cause but we don’t agree to the time chosen and the safety of human