Locals of Avakhal village in Shinor taluka of Vadodara district caught four fake policemen who went for a liquor raid in the disguise of police at the house of a panchayat member. They were beaten and later handed over to the Shinor police who have arrested all the four accused and initiated legal action. Lalitchandra Vasava, a member of Avakhal Panchayat had lodged a complaint that at around 7:30 p.m he received a call from Anil Vasava living in the village that 4 men came to Ranchodbhai Vasava's house in a car and claimed that Ranchodbhai was running a liquor business and they will be filing a case of Prohibition against him. They revealed their names to be Ashish Harshadbhai Barot, Jayesh Natvarbhai Solanki, Vikram Shanabhai Rathwa, and Rahul Dineshbhai Parmar. But when asked for their identity cards they failed to show. A police board was also stuck in the front of the car. The villagers beat them and later hand over them to the police. Police have arrested all and further inves