Elections were announced for the appointment of members of the Vadodara Municipal Corporation-run Nagar Prathmik Shikshan Samiti (NPSS) scheduled to be held on August 6th. On the last day of registration, the BJP announced the list of candidates. The nomination papers were filed after the list of candidates was made public. After discussions with Bharatiya Janata Party State President C.R. Patil, Pradesh General Secretary Bhargav Bhatt, Vadodara City President Vijay Shah, and the General Secretary, the list of 12 candidates for the VMC-run NPSS was announced by the BJP are- Rita Manjarawala, Anjana Thakkar, Sharmishtha Solanki, Dr. Hemang Joshi, Aditya Patel, Vijay Patel, Kiran Salunke, Bharat Gajjar, Nilesh Kahar, Ranjit Rajput, Hitesh Patni, and Jignesh Parikh. In addition, 18 people, including BJP workers, former councilors, and social workers, have received nomination papers. It may be noted here that the Education Committee has a total of 15 members, out of which 12 members are