Deputy Chief Minister Nitin Patel inspected the three sites proposed for construction as per the proposed plan of renovation of the Maternal and Child Health Department of Sayaji Hospital after completion of the Gyanshakti program. He then consulted with collector R. B. Barad, Medical Superintendent of the hospital Dr. Ranjankrishna Aiyar, City Party President Dr. Vijay Shah, Head of Pediatrics Dr. Sheila Aiyar and concerned on the necessary matters including ownership of the proposed premises and speedy occupation. Giving information in this regard, the Medical Superintendent said that the state government has made a generous provision of Rs. 50 crore in the budget for the first phase for the construction of new and convenient maternal and child health department. At present, it is planned to build this department with a facility of 600 beds and at present, the process of selecting a suitable place is underway. Under this, the Deputy Chief Minister was shown the vacant plot near the