The BJP was celebrating the completion of the five-year rule of the Rupani government. When opposed by Congress. Gujarat Chief Minister Vijay Rupani's government has completed five years. Various programs were being celebrated by BJP in Vadodara city. On the other hand, the Vadodara City Congress, as an opposition party, protested against the difficulties faced by the people during this regime and during the Corona period, such as lack of Remdesivir injections, lack of oxygen, lack of ventilators. Vadodara city Congress leaders staged a protest outside Sayaji Hospital chanting slogans with posters and banners. The protest was joined by Vadodara City Congress President Prashant Patel, Vadodara District Congress President Sagar Koko, Leader of the Opposition Ami Rawat, and other Congress workers and leaders. All the people were detained by the Rawapura police during the protest. There were scenes of clashes between Congress workers and the police.