Gujarat CM Vijay Rupani on Wednesday inaugurated various programs for the upliftment of women on Women's Pride Day from Vadodara. On the occasion, he digitally inaugurated various development works of the Women and Child Development Department along with disbursement of interest-free loans of Rs. 140 crore to 1 lakh women. In a function held at Vadodara to congratulate the women's power of the entire state, Chief Minister Vijay Rupani said with the blessings of women's power, their government is completing five years of rule. The occasion of the completion of five years is not a celebration for the government, but a service to the people. The Chief Minister said that under Mukhyamantri Mahila Utkarsh Yojana, 10 lakh women of the state would be included in it before December 2022, and Rs. 1,000 crore interest free loan will be given. In this 9-day Seva Yagya, Rs. 15 thousand crore works are being offered to the people by running 18,000 programs by the government. The Chief Minister a