A promising National level judo player, 19-year-old, Sakshi Rawal, from Vadodara died of dengue. The family and coach put allegations on the family doctor and hospital for negligence and gave typhoid treatment instead of dengue which led to her death. The player wanted to play in the Olympics and was working hard for it day and night. She used to reside with her mother. She has won a bronze medal in a national-level competition at Jharkhand. Her maternal uncle Bhavin Rawal said that she had recently completed her NCC camp and was down with a fever. They took her to their family doctor and he gave her saline but her health deteriorated further. They then took her to a private hospital and then to SSG where she died during treatment. He further put allegations on the family doctor and hospital for their negligence as they had administered typhoid treatment instead of dengue and that led to her death. Sakshi's Judo Coach Vasudev Kadam said that Sakshi was studying in the first year of