To bring awareness among the people during the Corona period, a sculptor from Vadodara made a statue of Ganesha on the theme of vaccination and following corona guidelines like wearing a mask and social distancing. He also prepared idols on various themes and kept the height at four feet allowed by the government to celebrate the festival this year. Last year the celebration was not allowed due to corona at its peak. However, this year as the cases have decreased, the government allowed the Ganesha festival celebration with guidelines that include the height of idols to be kept at four feet. City Sculptor Dakshesh Jangid who has been making idols for the past four years made a Ganesha idol on the theme of vaccination with a message to follow guidelines like wearing a mask and social distancing. This year he made three on the theme of Covid-19 like vaccination, homestay during the lockdown, and online learning. He said that the possibility of the third wave of the corona is there. It