A BJP worker was booked for cheating and forgery as per the complaint registered by the brother-in-law at Panigate Police Station. The brother-in-law, Vivek Vasava told the police that the accused, Chintan alias Chetan Patel took Rs 5 lakh from his father in 2019 to initiate the process of getting a visa. Patel initiated the process against the family's wishes. When there was no development, Vasava asked Patel to either refund the money or give him the visa. After many arguments, Patel provided with photocopies of the visa documents and told Vasava that he would give the original papers soon. Vasava questioned the authenticity of the visa as he didn't have a passport, but Patel promised him that he would receive his passport too. Patel kept making false promises for the past two years and last year in September he gave Vasava a fake job offer letter from ONGC. When other visa applicants started coming to the house to ask for a refund, the family realized that they were cheated by Pat