Vadodara Police arrested the General Manager of Alkapuri CH Jewellers for raising bogus customers, made bogus credit slips, and got Rs 4 crore gold coins from the showroom, then sold it to his associate in one and half years time. Police arrested two in the matter and are further investigating. CH Jewelers owner Paresh Soni had lodged a complaint with the Sayajiganj Police against the General Manager of CH Jewelers Viral Navinchandra Soni and Taraj Tushar Diwanji about having 2 general managers including Viral in their showroom. Viral was promoted as General Manager in 2014 after being hired as a PRO in 2011. He was looking after sales, purchase, and stock operations. On July 10th, it was learned from his employees that Viral Soni was making bills by taking slips of the same name and amount. In his complaint, he mentioned that when asked Viral about the same, he said that he needed money to send his son for foreign education and also to pay the home loan and he used to make bogus cre