The Department of Education, Government of Gujarat selected Vadodara’s Parul University as host to the grand finale of Smart Gujarat for the New India hackathon. The University was nominated amongst the top institutions across the State to host this engaging, solution-finding, and technological innovation platform. This grand finale was organized from the 10th to the 11th of August with the help and support of Parul University’s Entrepreneurship Development Centre. This gathering was graced by the presence of the Honorable Education Minister Shri Bhupendrasinh Chudasma together with Smt. Vibhavariben Dave. Minister of State, who inaugurated the event upon sharing their insightful words and remarks with the gathering. This innovation and start-up launching platform featured over 100+ students and faculties from across different academic disciplines and backgrounds in the State. The participants were composed of a total of 21 teams who worked on numerous tracks and project areas within