Deputy Chief Minister of Gujarat Nitin Patel approved a budget of Rs 10 crore for approach road to the new campus of Central University of Gujarat at Kundhela in Vadodara district A budget of Rs 10 crore has been sanctioned for the construction of the approach roads to the new campus of Central University of Gujarat, Kundhela. The approach roads will be from Kundhela Railway station to Kundhela Village, Kundhela by-pass Road to CUG campus and Raghavpura Road to CUG campus. The Deputy Chief Minister directed the Executive Engineer, Roads and Buildings Department to take immediate action in this regard to build a paved road to reach the newly constructed Kundela Campus of Gujarat Central University so that the construction activity can be accelerated. On the sanctioning of the budget of Rs 10 crore has been allotted for the approach roads to new campus of CUG, Rama Shanker Dubey, the Vice Chancellor of Central University of Gujarat warmly welcomed the move of the Deputy Chief Minister