As per available details, a 28-year-old girl was working in a private company. During that time she got acquainted with a guy and talked on calls and messages. The young man proposed marriage to her and she said she would marry if her family allowed her. The girl's family refused after a thorough investigation of the boy's family. Provoked by this answer, the boy threatened the girl that if she did not marry, he would not let anyone else marry her. After that, he started harassing her through calls and messages and the girl left her job. However, he kept harassing and threatening her by texting her from different numbers. Meanwhile, the girl got engaged to another guy. But he continued with his threatening messages and calls. With no option left, she and her family eventually contacted the 181 Women's Helpline to help them. The Abhayam rescue team rushed to the spot and warned the youth. The youth apologized and assured to never again bother her in any way. All the numbers and mess