In an old feud in Savli's Lachhanpura village, the assailants beat the youth, damaged the car and looted cash including gold jewelery. Earlier, a friend's car, which was traveling on the banks of the river Mahi, had a quarrel with unidentified bike riders over the issue of passing through the village. Police have registered a complaint at the Savli police station and initiated action. After a quarrel with a group of unidentified bike riders over the passing of a friend's car passing through the village on the banks of the river Mahi passing near Lachhanpura village in Savli taluka, the assailants beat him up and hit him with a wooden stick, robbed him of a gold chain and cash amounting to Rs 50,000. The incident was reported to the Savli police station and police have initiated action. Unnat Kumar Vanzara, a resident of Jashoda Nagar Society in Savli taluka of Vadodara district, took his car with his friends Jai Patel and Naimi Shah for a walk on the banks of Lachhanpura Ma