A man was detained on Wednesday for allegedly torturing his wife and blackmailing her to cut her skin with a blade. As per the Police, the accused, Selvyn Parmar had met his wife who used to live near his house through his sister. He lured the girl into a relationship and began harassing her. The woman's father told the Police that Parmar used to send abusive messages to her and blackmail her by threatening to share her private photos on social media. Because of the constant threats, the woman used to cut her skin and send photos to Parmar whenever he would demand. The woman married him under the Indian Christian Marriage Act in Anand in September 2019. The father further added that to prevent the victim from meeting her parents, Parmar and his family members bought another apartment and did not allow her to leave. The father had approached the She Team of Vadodara police when he learned about the torture she was facing. During the counseling, the woman did not speak up against the