Savli MLA Ketan Inamdar has once again revolted against the Baroda Dairy authorities on behalf of the district's milk producers and threatened to reach Baroda Dairy on Thursday with the entire district's milk producers if the price is not changed by Wednesday night. MLA Ketan Inamdar said that after assurance the rates have not increased as desired and threatened to reach the Dairy if the issue is not resolved. Waghodia MLA Madhu Srivastava reached the Circuit House and extended his support to the issue of milk producers. "It's the question of benefit of the milk producers as they did not get the amount they desired for the milk. I came here for the meeting and the focus is on milk producer's interest, " said Srivastava. Dabhoi MLA Shailesh Mehta too reached Circuit House in support of the voice raised by Ketan Inamdar. He said, "An assurance was given by the Dairy Administration about giving the best amount of price to the milk producers. However, at the 15th general meeting, the c