Union Road Transport Minister Nitin Gadkari said that Delhi-Mumbai Green Highway is the largest highway in the world, which is being constructed at a cost of Rs 1 lakh crore. In Gujarat, the Central Government is currently carrying out road works worth Rs. 1.25 lakh crore and additional works worth Rs. 1.25 lakh crore has been sanctioned. The Union Minister said that once the construction work of Delhi-Mumbai Green Highway is completed, Mumbai will be reached from Vadodara in just three and a half hours. The route will be extended to Nariman Point, he added. Nitin Gadkari remain present at the foundation laying work of Vadodara-Savli Junction on National Highway-48 and Expressway at a cost of Rs. 34.50 crore. With the completion of this the years old problem of traffic on Dumad Chokdi will be permanently solved. The Union Minister said that Delhi-Mumbai Green Highway is an important highway for the development of Gujarat. In Gujarat, in the first phase of 423 km of 8 lane at a cost