A child named Shivansh was found abandoned near the Swaminarayan Gaushala in Pethapur, Gandhinagar. Shocking details came to light after the child's father was found. It has been revealed that the child's father, Sachin Dixit had strangled Shivansh's mother Mehendi alias Heena. The police have registered a case against Sachin for murdering his girlfriend Mehendi after arresting him for abandoning his child. Police have proposed to shift the body to Sayaji Hospital for postmortem. A child was found on the night of October 7 near Swaminarayan Gaushala in Pethapur, Gandhinagar. On October 8, the police came to know about it and started searching for his parents and found out that his father Sachin Dixit lives in Sector 26 of Gandhinagar. Speaking to the media, Range IG Abhay Chudasama said that the father was identified by the police on the basis of CCTV footage and human intelligence. As part of the identification, the child's father, Sachin Dixit, was arrested from Kota last night and