Gujarat Congress condemned the Lakhimpur incident where an SUV ran over farmers protesting anti-farm laws and. They alleged that son of the BJP minister was driving the car and demanded a judicial inquiry in the matter. Giving tribute to the farmers Vadodara Congress protested the killing under the leadership of State President Amit Chavda. "The farmers are protesting against the farm laws for over a year and now the BJP is indulging in such ways to finish the agitation. The son of the minister was involved in killing the farmers and the government is stopping Congress leaders who are on the way to meet the grieving farmers. They are trying to finish the democracy", said Chavda. He further added that the party is organizing protest programs in every district of Gujarat to give tribute to the farmers who lost their lives. He demanded a judicial inquiry and strict punishment for the responsible. Pawan Khera National Spokesperson for Indian National Congress Party also condemned the in