Gujarat Revenue Minister Rajendra Trivedi reached Vadodara to join Jan Ashirwad Yatra starting from October 1st in Vadodara district after paying obeisance at Swaminarayan Temple in Atladara today. The newly appointed minister received a warm welcome after reaching Vadodara on Thursday night. BJP workers and people gathered in large numbers to welcome him with dhol beats. "I was overwhelmed with the warm welcome received in my city and we are here to serve people as two ministers are from Vadodara. The Jan Ashirwad Yatra is about the work done in the last four years and to carry it forward, " said Trivedi. He said that the doors have been opened to address the queries of the people and no appointment is needed. They are concentrating on the point till the compliant get the satisfaction. When asked about the Gandhinagar elections he said that the party never thought of results and did their work with great enthusiasm. The BJP party is strongly represented in the world by the able lea