In the last 24 hours from 30th September to 1st October, two live and one dead crocodile were captured by the Vadodara GSPCA team in different parts of the district. As per details given by Raj Bhavsar, Head of Gujarat SPCA and Wildlife SOS of Vadodara, they received the first call from Bajetha village near Kuber Bhandari at 12 pm about a 5 feet crocodile. The crocodile was caught by the volunteers. Then at 11 pm, they received a call from Maruti Nagar near Chapad village in Vadodara that a three and a half feet crocodile had entered the village. Immediately a team of volunteers reached Chapad village and caught the crocodile. At 2 o'clock in the early morning, a call came from Karjan railway station that a 2.5 feet crocodile was on the railway track from Lakodra to Dethan with one of his left cut in an accident. Before they reached the crocodile died. The crocodiles were handed over to the concerned social forestry department.