A newborn baby was abandoned near a gutter on Chhani canal road in Vadodara city. Locals rushed to the spot after hearing the cries of the infant and informed the ambulance and police. The infant was shifted to Sayaji hospital for treatment while the Fatehgunj police have registered a case against a stranger and are investigating to trace them. As per details, Paresh Rupabhai Munia had lodged a complaint at the Fategunj police station. He mentioned leaving his house with the tempo and saw a crowd of people while passing by the ditch of a slum area near Pancham height on Chhani Canal road. He checked and saw a newborn baby wrapped in a cloth next to the gutter. Fatehgunj police and ambulance were informed and they rushed to the spot. The baby was constantly crying due to the ants crawling on the body and biting. The ambulance rushed the baby to the hospital and is found to be healthy. Fatehgunj police had registered a complaint in the matter and started searching for the parents who