After the arrest of Ashok Jain and Alpu Sindhi, in the high-profile Gotri rape case, the Crime Branch team has further initiated an investigation to get to the root of the whole matter. Accused Ashok Jain was produced in court for remand and further taken to Ahmedabad for medical examination. However, police also investigated the involvement of Alpu Sindhi in the matter after the team reached Vadodara with him on Friday. While Ashok Jain was arrested by Vadodara Police on Thursday from Palitana, Alpesh alias Alpu Vadhwani was arrested by the Crime Branch and Cybercrime team from Gurgaon in Haryana. Jain was brought to the city on the same day and was produced before the court on Friday. However, Alpu Sindhi was brought on Friday and after the covid test will be arrested and investigated. "Alpu Sindhi is wanted in prohibition cases registered in Warashiya and Varnama and will be investigated about his involvement in the Gotri rape case. Everything will be clear after the interrogati