Navratri is a festival that celebrates and worships Maa Shakti. In a recent case, Vadodara's Sayaji Hospital had an opportunity to provide a unique tribute to the Goddess on the very first day of Navratri. A helpless family from Ratlam had brought their 8-year-old daughter with kidney disease to the hospital. Dr. Sheila Aiyar informed that the hospital has been awarded a very convenient medical care hemodialysis machine equipped with a portable RO plant, water tank, and booster system has been provided for the treatment of kidney patients worth Rs 10 lakh. Giving details about the patient Dr. Sheila Iyer said that with the help of the technical team of the Institute of Kidney Diseases in Ahmedabad, the work of its establishment was still being completed, but a family from Ratlam in Madhya Pradesh brought their eight-year-old daughter with kidney disease. The girl was severely anemic, her kidneys were not working, and she needed immediate hemodialysis. The family took the girl to man