In the mysterious death of mother and daughter in Sama, the Vadodara Police arrested the husband for killing his wife and daughter in Sama double murder case. The husband had killed them by mixing rat poison in ice cream and later choked them to death. The police said that there were frequent quarrels between the couple, and the accused accepted to be in one-sided love with a girl at his workplace. Police also found that he had searched Google and YouTube platforms about rat poison and its effect on humans. The police are further investigating the case. Shobhana Tejasbhai Patel who lived in New Sama and her 6-year-old daughter Kavya came home after playing Garba on Sunday and went to sleep. However, after some time both were taken to a private hospital where a doctor declared them dead. Following the suspicious death of the mother and daughter, the Sama Police rushed to the spot and started an investigation and the bodies of the two were sent to Sayaji Hospital for postmortem. Postmo