Using the social media platform to create a platform for bird lovers, Vadodara wildlife photographer Dr. Rahul Bhagwat and his friend Yashodhan Bhatia launched a Facebook Page for birds Philatelic Collectors. The platform works as exchanging knowledge for postage stamps and postal collection of birds. The subject of the page is the bird diversity of the Indian subcontinent and the postage stamps published by the countries of the world about the birds of the Indian subcontinent. It is a social media platform for the Collectors of postal materials and those interested in birds of the Indian subcontinent. October 13th is celebrated as National Philately Day and on this day the Parliament of Bird Philatelist page is launched in Vadodara. "About 1,300 diverse, attractive, scenic and seasonal as well as weather friendly bird species are found in the Indian subcontinent, but only about 60 species have found a place on indigenous postal materials and stamps. It was surprising that countries