In a shocking incident, a seven-day-old infant was abducted, who was sleeping with the mother. The family lodged a police complaint about the abduction at Lilora village near Jarod in Waghodia taluka of Vadodara district. Police rushed to the spot and formed teams for the investigation. Sangitaben gave birth to a child on October 15th. On the evening of October 16th, she came back home after being discharged from the hospital. On the night of the 21st, she was shocked to see her baby missing and informed the family. They all searched nearby, inside the field but didn't find any trace of the infant. Finally, the police were informed about the missing infant. Upon learning of the incident, senior officials including DySP Kalpesh Solanki rushed to the spot and formed teams to search for the infant. LCB, SOG, Dog Squad, and FSL all joined in the investigation. DySP Kalpesh Solanki, Dabhoi Division said that the mother does not suspect anyone but the police are investigating the complain