Vadodara Waghodia police traced the missing infant kidnapped from Hanumanpura village under Waghodia police station and found him from Bihar. An Army jawan give four lakhs for the child to the accused and take the infant along with him. A team was sent to Bihar and found the infant in healthy condition and on the way back to Gujarat. Police detained six accused in the matter and further investigating. The army man is also accused under Juvenile Justice and Child Protection Act 2015. Police formed around eight teams to investigate the matter of the missing 7-day infant from Waghodia. With the help of human intelligence and other sources, they traced the infant to Bihar. "LCB, SOG, Parole Ferlo, Dog Squad, local teams were investigating on different angles including childless couples, hospital staff of the birthplace of a child. With human intelligence, we received a tip about one Kalpesh Rathod involved who was searching for a child for an army jawan. The Jawan Narendra Ranjan is child