Anand Vidya Vihar (AVV) School in Vadodara is recognized as Top School of The Year 2021 for Quality Academics and Infrastructure. The recently held National Education Awards and Conference 2021 recognized the school for its efforts towards shaping and nurturing young minds on the path of knowledge. The school gets the title of Top School of the Year 2021 in the categories of Quality Academics & Leading Infrastructure. In addition, the school’s principal Poornima Menon was also felicitated with the award for her outstanding contribution in the education domain under the categories of Administration and Knowledge delivery. The school has been developing its teaching and learning process in such a way that provides the students with a high-quality standard of academics. During the conference, AVV was amongst the notable schools invited to be a part of this national conference, featuring discussions related to new educational reforms, methodologies, and policies. The school has been f