A State-wide 'beggar free' campaign started in Vadodara on Thursday. The aim is to make them empowered through skill-based training and working to make the city beggar free. The target is to make Vadodara a beggar-free state in the next 100 days. Minister of State for Women and Child Development Manisha Vakil heads a meeting with MP, Mayor, Municipal Commissioner, MLA, Police Commissioner, Social Welfare Department to plan the strategies and work effectively to make the city beggar free in next 100 days. A mega drive will start from Vadodara followed by all metro cities of Gujarat in the coming days. The aim is to make them self-independent and also get them the benefit of government schemes. "In a step towards beggar-free city and state, we will start a mega drive from Vadodara followed by other metro cities of Gujarat. The aim is to accommodate them at shelter homes and empower them with skill-based training. The process of their registration, unique identification will be done and