On Wednesday, Municipal Councilors from Ward-1 in Vadodara, Corporation officials, and a police team arrived at the Chhani Canal region. After receiving information about medical waste deposited in large amounts at the site, local councilors sought harsh punishment for the perpetrators and directed officials to remove the rubbish as soon as possible. As per details, loads of biomedical waste were found, dumped near the TP 13 Chhani canal area. On Wednesday, local councilors Jaha Desai, Pushpa Vaghela, and Harish Patel of Election Ward-1 reached the spot and reviewed the waste. Looking at the health-hazardous situation, they called the AMC Ward officer to the location for a visit and issued instructions to remove it immediately. "We felt some 17 trucks dumped the waste here, which is health hazardous for people living nearby and using the nearby flowing Narmada canal water for d