Earlier in October, a gang of robbers was caught by the Dahod Police. Further, On 6th November, three members were remanded to seven days of police custody on orders from the local court. Booked under the Gujarat Control of Terrorism and Organized Crime (GujCTOC) Act, when investigated, this gang got previously registered for numerous cases of dacoity. Jaysinh Palash, Nikesh Palash, and Dilip Baria three are natives from Dahod. Raghuvir Pandya, a Special Public Prosecutor, says the gang got booked for committing 16 offenses in 13 districts, including Junagadh, Jamnagar, Rajkot, Dwarka, Dahod, Morbi. Kanan Desai, Limkheda Deputy Superintendent, has now undertaken the investigation. Panday adds that the remand period shall help the Police to learn more about the gang's rule of thumb for all their acts of crime and if their circle has furt