A unique incident of the Aadhaar Card entry of a lady inside the ambulance at the Vasti Ganatari office came to light in Vadodara. The old lady suffering from multiple diseases and on dialysis reached the office with her son in an ambulance. The officer went down from the office and updated the biometrics inside the ambulance. On Friday, Shamik Joshi, Census officer and Aadhar card Head of Vadodara Mahanagar Seva Sadan (VMSS), went down from his office with all the necessary equipment and updated the biometrics of the lady aged around 76 years. "Her son came to the office at Raopura asking for an Aadhaar card update of his mother suffering from multiple diseases and on dialysis. Due to the sensible case, I immediately went down to update the biometrics. Generally, we encounter issues with aged individuals for finger image updation, thankfully I managed to get it in four trials