Savli, Karjan, Desar, and Vadodara talukas will receive water supplies. The water supply board will build 377 sumps and 26 water tanks, with Chief Minister Bhupendra Patel performing the groundbreaking ceremony. The Water Supply Board will launch several group programs costing Rs 364 crore based on the Narmada and Mahi rivers for boosting the Vadodara district's water distribution system. On Tuesday, Chief Minister Bhupendra Patel will lay the foundation stone during his visit. A 943-kilometer internal pipeline will deliver water to villages of Savli, Desar, Karjan, and Vadodara talukas. The group scheme includes an added significant plan of constructing 377 sumps and 26 tanks to provide drinking water supply to citizens through Wasmo and village-level water committees. On Tuesday, 16th November, at 2.30 pm, Chief Minister Bhupendra Patel