A woman resident of Bapunagar lodged a complaint at the Bapunagar Police Station on Sunday alleging that she was abused by her husband, father-in-law, and mother-in-law for bringing 250g less gold in dowry. Following an incident on November 1, she filed a complaint under IPC Section 498A (husband or relative of husband of a woman subjecting her to cruelty, 323 (punishment for voluntarily causing hurt), and 294B (uttering obscene words). The woman told that she got married in 2016 and she was happy at her matrimonial home for two months. Soon after her in-laws began abusing and insulting her for not bringing the exact amount (500g) of gold that they demanded. She only got 250g of gold from her parent's home which was not enough for her in-laws as their demands were not met. "They forced me to do menial work and treated me like a servant", the woman alleged. They tortured her and said that other members of the community were ready to give 500g gold for their daughter's marriage with th