Between January and October 2021, the RPF returned almost ₹ 2 crores in the left-behind baggage of travelers. Western Railways' Security department continuously strives to facilitate enhanced comfort and security of its passengers. The Railway Protection Force (RPF) plays a vital role in safeguarding the security and safety of baggage and belongings of travelers.
Alok Kansal, the General Manager of Western Railway, applauded the Railway Protection Force members for their effort, integrity, and dedication in ensuring the safety of passengers and their property.
According to a press release issued by Sumit Thakur- Chief Public Relations Officer of Western Railway, in the current year up to October 2021, the RPF staff has handed over lost or missing luggage in 1,037 cases worth over ₹ 2 crores. It could be made possible because of the alertness of the security staff.