A notable campaign has been launched under the Azadi Ka Amrut Mahotsav by the Employees Provident Fund. It is for provident fund account holders to enter the names of heirs in their accounts. According to Manoj Kumar Yadav, Commissioner, PF Regional Office, the Vadodara PF office includes five districts. PF accounts of employees working in private enterprises in Panchmahal, Dahod, Chhota Udepur, and Mahisagar districts, in addition to Vadodara, are kept here. There are 5.75 lakh active accounts out of a total of 30.20 lakh PF holders' accounts. Interest has just been credited to all of these accounts following the cash deposit. To keep the employees out of problems, a smooth procedure is being set up. The settlement of PF claims will be handled using a three-step online method. Employees are paid their dues in the office as well, with more claims settled than the required number