The Vadodara 108 team has once again set a shining example of duty by conducting a successful spontaneous operation at midnight to rescue a pregnant mother and assist her with childbirth. Nankiben, a pregnant woman from Alirajpur in Madhya Pradesh, and her family traveled from Kalawad in Saurashtra to Chhotaudepur. Meanwhile, she was in labor at half past midnight, and the family encountered terrible circumstances. The 108 emergency services were informed as the bus reached Vadodara depot. Realizing the fragility of the situation, EMT Vishnu Baria and pilot Arvind Maliwad rushed to the spot with 108 ambulances. At once, the pregnant woman got moved inside the ambulance. They delivered the baby in time and saved the mother and newborn baby. The condition of mother and child is good. It may be recalled that the 108 Vadodara team worked tirele